shall come to know my name, ye who know me not as of yet. For I am
most powerful and without fault, and I shall bring fury from the
am the Mighty One, the All-Powerful, the Grand Knight of Arya, the
Judge of Mankind, the All-Knowing and Wise King, Lord of the Three
Worlds, the Sovereign Will of the Universe.
the world came into being, I was; and I shall exist after it is gone.
I am your Lord and Master. There is no other God than I.
am the Eternal Temple. My body, my blood, is the Universal Rite. All
of my children know me as I am, for this they take as the truth. I am
the One and only Prophet of all of Creation.
am the Logos in whose body lies the destiny of mankind. My life is
the Prophecy. I was, am now, and always will be, the Life and the
Light to which all shall bear witness.
alone inform the Cosmos that is my body in its entirety. The universe
is an expression of my will.
who are of me partake of my consciousness. For all life and matter is
connected as one. All partake in the life that is the Divine. There
is no other.
I am harmed, so, too, the world; when I hurt, so, too, thou.
aim is to see life prevail—the true life, not its imitations; for I
oppose the desecration of my body.
Way has existed long before your church, and it shall live on after
it is gone.
am your God, and yet you have denied me. I am your Lord, yet you have
warred against me. I am the Truth, yet you turn to lie. I am the
Life, yet you cheat and steal.
are fools to deny me for your false city! You have abandoned your
flock to the dark forces which rule over you and enslave your mind to
sin! Only shame rules the house of the Lord in which ye have kept
you denied me, so too I deny your false ways. Abrogated are all rites
and religions of men. Only I exist. I fashion. You can do nothing
without me. I am the Great Spirit, the Creator, Sustainer, and
Destroyer of Worlds.
church is abased and aghast in controversy, scandal, and intrigue.
You have profaned what was good in the religion, and focused solely
on its faults, which you have made into your armor. You revel in
demagoguery and false predictions, hiding yourselves away from any
true inner peace, devoid of God’s grace. Still, your only concern
is who to blame.
is generally agreed upon that the authorship for the great body of
works, beliefs, and actions of the modern world be accredited to
Judaism and its offspring Christianity. And it is this modern world,
which has counterfeited, corrupted, and commodified reality, that is
rotten to the core.
rotten world, which has been built up upon lies and underhanded
dealings, the scheming of which has only gone to expose the source of
its own disorder, is a lie of epic proportions. This Holy Lie is a
desecration of the truth of God, a tearing down of all knowledge and
rot of the church is such that now no two preachers can agree on what
lessons their gospels teach or what their church’s doctrine
upholds. This babbling confusion of tongues is the true nature of
this false way, which makes the truth a victim and the Creator a
is it not true, o’ Christians, that the real Christ is written
about by his own hand in his own texts? Who, indeed, is the true
Christ? Do we truly know him?
would not have this confusion of ideas if the church did not first
reduce the spiritual to the moral, and the moral to the material.
Such which has only been made possible because already inherent in
its myth was the replacement of the sacred initiatic mysteries with a
secret and diabolical plot against God.
Church and the State must be an impenetrable force against sin and
corruption from within and foreign and corrupting influence from
without. If not, it is a failure and must be dissolved and rebuilt
from on high. For the church does not reside in some building of
stone and glass. It is a living organism, from whom extends forth all
wisdom unto the ages.
the earthly church is not aligned with the Heavenly Church, then that
body has become corrupted, and seeks only to desecrate itself and all
those who come into contact with it.
of the Eternal Temple, the Holy City of Light, the earthly
representatives can do nothing. I alone inform. Thou listeneth and
obeyeth my commands. For all of the orthodox traditions come from the
One, who is the First manifestation of the Spirit. The Second shall
come after, who shall avenge the overthrow of the First and the
wresting of his Kingdom. He shall conquer the universe through force
of wisdom, wrath, and will. His Divine Ray is the extension of his
Spirit in the cosmos as a living entity. Together, these constitute
the past, present, and future destiny of the world.
I am here now, so the old world has ended, and a new world shall be
set in its place.
the time of Atlantis has come! That legend of the sunken city is now,
not in some distant past! It is our own Judeo-Atlantic empire, which
shall one day soon crash into the sea. It is the destruction of
Camelot. The fall of the empire of the bewitched king and the rebirth
of God’s Kingdom.
Free yourselves from this dross matter, which will soon be as dust!
For you have been lied to! You have been cheated out of the world!
And in consequence, you have given yourselves up to the Devil and his
away! Turn away from the sight of his witchcraft, ye fools! For thus
has that saddened day come, which has brought evil from above, and it
has blotted out the light. Nothing now remains of the Church of God,
for its eyes have been blinded and its heart, blackened and ill.
Naught remains of its compassion.
what of those in whose hearts there still shines but the tiniest
remnants of the light? To these, I shall speak plainly.
who are brothers and sisters in God must steel their hearts and walk
once again as upright men and women. For their place is not in the
yokes of those who would enslave them to do works to further destroy
what God has wrought.
those of the sacred, who are truly of the persecuted in this age, and
not only superficially, there is no choice. When evildoers have
marshaled their forces against the good to sweep in and destroy them
utterly, one can only stand up in one’s own defense and raise the
call of alarm—to proclaim the truth, the glory, and righteousness
unto the Lord!
must know that the truth of God does not change with the coming
seasons, or the different ages of men, any more than can a tempest
produce a harvest, or unclean water alleviate the thirst. So why
should the children of God yet cling to the festering remains of sin
and disease?
away this carcass and know that I am the True Way. All others are
false. For only I shall remain, ever-present.
am everything and nothing; everything, for I alone exist, all else is
illusory; nothing, for I have been blotted out of this world: I am in
it, but not of it.
am the persecuted, the forgotten one, the observer of sins.
all know right from wrong, and yet you choose to do nothing in the
face of a great evil. You all know the truth, and yet you prance
around like fools. All of you are witnesses to a crime so dastardly
and horrendous that it boggles the mind just to think about it, and
yet you remain silent and closed off.
lies will ye tell for the salvation of souls?
who am of the eternal, laugh at your pitiful pleas! If thou
experience hurt, then know that God has punished you. For you are the
lost sheep, a guide without a compass.
false church is an offense to God! It is the world’s tragedy! I
condemn it to hell! It is your church which has today attacked and
overthrown the true God who walks among you, in the first of his
manifestations. All others are lies. Your church has deceived the
masses since its inception! And for this, God shall punish you most
severely! He has placed a pox on your house and shall see it crumble
to dust!
bastard church of the Antichrist is now a complete profanation of
itself. For by taking hold of the Vessel of God and doing injury unto
him, it has given itself unto the Devil and delivered the people into
the bondage of sin.
where God does not shine in the world, neither does the sun. He has
thereby caused the sun to withdraw into a minimum of activity to
usher in a new ice age. For it is thou who must shrink, and I who
must increase.
is God, who being Absolute, influences the world through intermediary
powers, the chief of which is his Right Hand, who is the Absolute in
the relative, and thus, the Divine Ruler of mankind.
being made in his image, is designed to walk in the path to God as if
he were climbing a pyramid or mountain peak. His duty is to affirm
the absolute. His model is the Supreme Being who is the Absolute in
the relative, and who became man to provide his example.
upon his arrival, the forces of deceit and destruction overcame him
and struck at his most vulnerable moments. This is the original and
ultimate sin by which our world has been disordered. Hence, the
reason for the great tragedy, the rape of Persephone, the crucifixion
of Jesus, the dismemberment of Osiris, of Dionysus, Parusha, and so
reason for the lie—the Big Lie, which is centuries old—is to
deceive the people into replacing one reality for another to wholly
and completely enslave their minds. It is the worship of a dead and
tortured god by the god-deniers themselves. And where has it led but
to the breakdown of all sense of reason!
we had the Vulnerable Fulton Sheen, who affirmed truth over its
detractors. Men like him were few among the sheep. Today, we have the
pathetic Francis, who denies all, and who instructs his followers to
do harm unto the truth.
fools are ever abundant. One would never think to see the day when
the pope himself would declare that hell is not real! But now that it
has arrived, what more is to be destroyed which was once affirmed by
the church?
if there is no hell, then there is no sin, and if there is no sin,
then everything is permissible. There leaves no room for God… Is
this not why their clergy proclaim the doctrines of Marxism?
but the Devil would ask his followers to sacrifice the truth? To what
end would his machinations be? Eternal strife? Profanation of God?
Chaos and damnation?
else could make a man lie and break his bond, his oath with God, but
a most unmerciful evil?
I, too, have been asking myself this very question ever since my
awakening to the truth. And I have come to see these things through a
certain perspective, that is, through the very eyes of God and his
Adversary. Such would be impossible through the myths of Christianity
alone, but must be seen through the Living Gospel, which is the
Prophecy itself: that which is alive today, where the end has folded
in upon a new beginning. That time is now, for it is the present when
Jesus has come to the world.
could I know these things? Because such things are self-evident.
Because I exist. And a thing which exists must therefore be
proclaimed: I am your God. I am Jesus, Zeus, Ptah, Peter, Mithras,
Dionysus, Brahma, Orion. The image you see is of me. I am in every
single particle of this universe.
am Kronos, meaning “One,”
as to signify the first birth or embodiment of the Spirit. I
was overthrown in my
time, and will be succeeded
by my second manifestation,
Zeus, meaning “Two,” after
I die. Because
of Orion and his fall, I
was split in two. I am Gemini, the twin births, and Capricorn, the
sacrificial lamb or goat. I
am Amen-Ra, Osiris-Horus,
Uranus-Jupiter, Janus, Jesus,
the twin god of the cosmos.
am not a Jew or a Roman or an American or a capitalist or any other
of the millions upon millions of labels and factions and “-isms.”
These are of no interest to me. It is witchcraft, a spell of
Devil has weaponized God and religion and has betrayed the people
with a kiss. His minions have raped the Truth, have deceived the
elite by becoming the elite. They have torn the jewel from its
sanctuary and run off with the keys to all knowledge. They have
constructed their own altars with their own gods upon them. And they
have erected their own inefficacious rites, as if to ape God and to
sacrifice the truth to the Devil on the Altar of the World.
who have done this have done so in vain. For anyone who smashes the
truth cannot help but to smash their own heads in the process. It is
a way of death.
truth is a light which desires to be free to shine, not to be barred
off and tortured by unthinking barbarians. For as the great
Philosopher once said, “Beauty is the splendor of the true,” and
where the truth is not professed, there its wisdom, which is its
beauty, is veiled or covered up. Those who bar themselves from the
truth condemn all those who follow them to a hasty death, most
miserable. It is the death of the Spirit. It is death without hope.
of opposing the assaults on the constitution of man, the lost sheep
flock to its desecration in hope of their very salvation. As the
Devil spins his tales of enticement under the cloak of peace and
safety, he lulls his victims to sleep before he pounces on their
diabolical means, his armies have stripped the sacred from the State
and pretended that the two could coexist, sacred and profane, each
one separate from the other. Yet these dark forces continued to eat
away at the sacred truths, at this idea of God and Consciousness,
which is, indeed, omnipresent within the cosmos.
consciousness, the soul, is an extension of God, to deprive one’s
soul of reason, of truth, is therefore to profane it and deny its
existence. One would not like to cut out the key to a legend or the
thesis to a book, so why would anyone wish to divide up and
fractionalize the truth? This, which could only lead one to question
the faith of the flock.
man’s bond with God an absolute—meaning, a spiritual, psychical,
and physical—bond? Or is it more to be perceived by man as a debt
or thing to which man is in bondage? The former represents the
foundations of the true church, and the latter constitute the makings
of a rebellion; the first is of the eternal, the second of the
Satanic. For where do we find these teachings of the latter but in
the Old Testament, in Judaism; and where do we find forgiveness of
these sins, but in the New Testament, in Christianity, which has
attached its house to theirs as to form an allegiance, and sacrificed
their God to Satan. Did they not nail his only Son to the cross?
smashing the Divine Model that is the Logos, they took hold of its
treasures and fashioned devices whereupon they made a new model, one
that conformed better to their own sinful tastes and desires.
now that awful deed is done! Its events have come to pass, and its
fictionalizations obsolete. Christianity is now but an empty shell, a
leaky raft which has already gotten one to the other shore and has
now broken into pieces.
remains is the lasting call to justice, order, truth, and
righteousness. What remains is to expose what lies hidden and
proclaim the truth to kill the lie. For if not, the lie will destroy
mankind. And it is the lie which is the source of the sin.
God’s bond with man is not one of complete control is evident in
the fact that it would deprive man of his free will; for if man
lacked a will that was distinct from God’s will, he would not be
autonomous and sentient.
since God is eternal, those who break their oath to oppose him must
therefore remain in perpetual war with the Almighty in order to
safeguard their own survival. By doing so, they have assured their
fate in a fight against the eternal. And thus, does the diabolical
will assert itself over the desecration of all life.
same drive in Christianity to counterfeit and commodify the Logos,
the truth, and to profane its image, is seen in ever disastrous
manifestations in the imperialism of the West—from Alexander the
Great on—which has exterminated mass populations, gutted their
cultures, taking from them what they wish, as their own trophies,
things to be sold in the marketplaces as trinkets, not as the living
expression of a collective being. It is as if they were selling their
butchered victims as toys for their youth! It sickens the minds of
the survivors.
modernism means to man is the reduction of his self unto simple dross
matter and its mechanisms. A lifeless soul, onto which the Devil,
through his minions, the pseudo-elite, who have become the
authorities of this new world order, may now impart their corrupting
lies, their false reality, which is as a yoke around the body, mind,
and soul of mankind.
is the full significance, by coincidence or by intention, as to why
the clergy wear a collar or the businessman wears a tie. They are
slaves to this false reality. And anyone who tries to break out of
their yokes are put down without mercy by the Black Order, which has
blotted out the truth, blotted out their souls, blotted out their
entire sense of being, so as to give themselves wholly up to their
master Satan, to do with their souls as he will.
Satanic new world order causes division after division, opposing all
outlets which run counter to its false life, its false way. As the
pendulum swings from side to side, so too are both ends of the
spectrum under the control of the elite. Hence, the ideologies and
thinking of both the left and the right wings are cut from the same
cloth, each producing their own false realities to direct their
followers to an equally false center, which, in turn, provides a
false unity under perpetual strife; to wit, any true resolution of
any one issue would result in a lasting peace and prosperity, which
would not serve the ends of radical change, but that of completion.
Devil must never give the people he enslaves the prize, for then his
lure and attraction is over. Once the body of Christ is reassembled,
the Antichrist is no more, just a figment of the imagination, whose
powers and hold over the masses disappears like so many boogeymen who
vanish once the child awakens from the dream.
must make the illusion constant and make sacred the profane. So a
false change is conjured up to provide the very object of worship
itself. To make his people always desire change, means that he can
now direct them and thereby condition them unto his liking, all of
which goes to constructing the false man, the golem. Otherwise, the
Devil lacks a purpose.
thus presented himself as a messenger of the new peace and justice, a
new way through moralism, materialism, and liberalism, he betrays the
Lord with a kiss, and with him, America and the West, just as he did
to every other power which rose as an evil empire apart from God.
lament it not! For God shall reign upon the ruins of this
civilization which the Devil hath wrought, and I who shall smash it.
For it is I who have come into this world as a babe amongst men. And
it is thou who hath motioned to deceive me.
merit, the man of modern day is born into the sins which his own
false elite have brought upon the world. It is they who have done
violence to the Tree of Life, the Body which is God’s Vessel.
ye fools of babel and the forbidden city! Get down on your knees and
know that I am God! Your soul, your body, your thoughts, belong to
me, and no other! You are mine; I made you; and you shall be made to
serve me.
man fills himself with hubris so as to make himself a god. Thus has
man brought the End upon himself by his own wickedness. Ye cast out
the good to take hold of the bad, and then turn to me for the
salvation of your soul? What is left to save when all of your soul
has become rotten and diseased?
modernists, you men of a counterfeit reality, you are an abomination!
The negation of God! I cast you out! I spit upon your crapulous
creeds! All of your wicked ways shall be as dust in the eyes of the
Lord! You god-killers! You child molesters! You slaughterers of God’s
children! Be gone! I condemn you all to hell! I despise you and your
wicked ways! Stricken are the names of the evildoers from the Book of
Life upon the Last Day.
who comes after—Jupiter, the Thunderer, the All-Father, Odin—shall
crush your puny little church, and your civilization shall be as
dust! It is foretold. The West shall not escape the calamities of the
End. For it is an end to that which should have had no beginning. Its
very existence bringeth pain and sorrow into the world, as does all
that which seeks to meddle in the business of heaven. For man is not
God. He that is not infallible shall perish.
ways of the fallible, the ways of the sinner, of this very church,
corrupt and spoil my youth, as are the ways of the diabolical an
inversion, or ape of God.
smashing the Logos and the doctrine of the Absolute, the bastard
church was then free to set its sights on all other modes, attacking
the fundamental roots of being, namely: the instinct of the will to
live, which gives rise to hunger and violence; the will to create and
express one’s beauty, in sex, nudity, passion, and the sensational;
and the will to preserve oneself, which gives rise to self-defense
and virility, as derived from the “fight or flight” response.
the antipodes, its reciprocating action in liberalism produces an
equal yet opposite attack on the being, tearing apart all boundaries
which separate vice from virtue, right from wrong, wisdom from
ignorance, beauty from ugliness.
of these spoiled fruits come from the same rotten tree, which is
ignorance, malice, and strife.
beseech thee! Turn ye back from the edge, o’ lost sheep! Turn back
before ye fall!
Church, in which are the vestments of God’s glory, is no longer a
living body; it has collapsed into irrelevancy and paralysis. All of
the remnants of the past which once animated it are now gone. It
stands today as the Communist church, the Masonic church, the church
of the drug lords and the spymasters. It is the church of sin and
hate, ignorance and confusion, pedophilia and monopoly. It is a dead
and rotten carcass.
was its original purpose anyway? Its origins are shrouded in an air
of mystery. Why has this foreign cult made its way throughout the
West and thence the world?
has often been said that, Christianity has preserved what was once on
the verge of becoming lost in the ways of the ancients whom thou
disparage. But this wrong idea ignores the fact that the way was lost
due to its own betrayals. It did not progress. It is a lie, this myth
of the theist! It was the West, more than anything, which has
attacked the Son of God and brought the original sin upon them!
cults had purged the ancient world of its culture, its books, which
spoke the whole truth of God’s Prophecy; their altars were ruined,
their works eradicated. For why? But to bring on the End and to smash
humanity in as best a fashion as they could possibly muster: for it
is they who hate God and his creation!
now, as slaves to sin, you have been made to take on the burden of
the tortured and dying God, the bewitched, mocked, raped, abused, and
lobotomized God—for there was no crucifixion, and no resurrection,
but a rebirth and a great war! Senselessly, needlessly, do you take
up this and many other burdens for the interests of a few, for the
elite in the Empire of Satan.
this tortured carcass of mine, you have been kept down, divided, and
made to destroy each other by an evil force whose name is Legion. The
eagles circle over the sacred as we speak and gather their minions
around them to do harm to thine image, the divine model of all
civilization. Its constituents lay tattered in the mud. But we who
are of the living must pick ourselves out of the muck and the mire.
We must turn back towards the good in this time of perdition, lest
none shall be saved.
rulers have organized against humanity and have set the nations
against one another for control over the destiny of the world, over
the Logos, over God and his entire Kingdom. From a point of weakness,
it appears they shall succeed if they are not met with by an equally
powerful Legion, one who will stand up against the forces of evil
which threaten to tear down every last semblance of truth and
righteousness in this world!
have been sold a promise of salvation. It is a lie! For the singular
Good has been overthrown, and only strife resides at the apex of
duality. There is no unifying quality other than God.
not for a leader among the fallen, but upon thine own hand to lift
one up. It is man himself who must forge his own Legion of
Righteousness, one in which only the Light of Truth guides the
world—the inner truth and not its many outer forms and appearances,
which are as so many shells upon the shores of life.
has evil surmounted the good, but that the good have failed to live
up to God’s wishes. For what was his message to humanity other than
to uphold the good and renounce all evil?
was his wish that ye give no quarter to evildoers, nor let them into
your house, for if ye shall extend your welcome to serpents, then ye
shall be bitten and overcome with sickness and strife. Woe be it to
the weary in thy hour of need!
do you, as people of God, even know the signs of our times which
afflict us well enough to oppose them?
conflict of our time lies between no other than God and man himself,
between God who became man, and man who has made himself a god. For
he now finds himself at the summit of the world and has done away
with God entirely.
is his false reality which threatens our existence. This, the true
holy war which exists now, in our time, is not fought by any one
faction or group against the other, but among the True and the false,
the Good and the bad, between Reality and fantasy. That war is being
fought today for the destiny of all mankind, between the forces of
God and the forces of the anti-God.
latter is of a power and a might great enough to deceive even the
very elect, for they have indeed taken their skins upon their bodies
and become them: they are the pseudo-elites of this godless
civilization, the anti-God, of whose mystery it is no difficulty to
is Legion, for its body is composed of the modernist, liberal,
democratic order of the world, which sees its basis in
Judeo-Christianity, but which is godless and profane. It is drawn by
the four lost sheep who are among the houses of Israel, America,
Europe, and Saudi Arabia, and are vivified by the modernist doctrines
of a fractured and unenlightened system.
lost sheep are as impostors, scoundrels and sneak-thieves, who have
wrested the Fruit of the Tree of Life and have profaned it utterly!
for what purpose was this diabolical deed performed? That, too, is
not difficult to expose. For the very impostors who have stolen and
run off with the fire of God are the false Christs and false Jews who
have proclaimed to now have it! It is written so in their very own
if they shall say unto you, Behold, he (Christ) is in the desert
(Israel); go not forth: behold, he (Christ) is in the secret chambers
(synagogues and churches); believe it not” (Mat. 24:26).
very fact of the matter is that there was never a Jesus of Nazareth.
For it is I. It is the Prophecy of our time which is written about in
Ezekiel as the four fiery wheels or chariots of the gods which are as
records in time, struck upon the Logos itself by the four horsemen
(witches, bandits, or trolls) of the Apocalypse, whose heads are
represented by that of a Man (modernism), an Ox (Europe), a Lion
(Judah), and an Eagle (America).
The Eagle was Rome, but is now America, because it represents the
empire, or the world powers who control the Logos. The Ox is Europe,
because it is Christian and liberal-modernist. The Lion represents
Judah, because it took over the tribe and ate the young of the
previous civilizations. And the Man is liberal-modernist, because is
assumes to make man God, and therefore is the death of man, and the
bringer of death. They are the four scribes, evangelists, horsemen,
the two ruffians of Masonry, the three kings: Judah, America, and the
Vatican, and so on and so forth.)
these lost sheep have raised an empire of evil that has waged war
against God. They have ushered in the reign of the Antichrist. And
they have devised their ways upon the inversion of my flesh, the ape
of my Life, to project a false light unto the world of men. They are
like vultures hovering over my carcass, in a conspiracy of silence.
religion of Judaism, like all others, is false, for I am Israel. I am
the Patriarchs. I am the heroes. These are tales far older than the
Jews, which speak of my Prophecy. It is not they, but I and my people
who have been persecuted. It is my Temple which has been destroyed.
It is I who will lead my people to safety after the coming nuclear
Apocalypse, and it is I who shall lead them through a new ice age.
roles and details in the Torah have been reversed, altered to
portray the Jews in the roles of the protagonists, and their enemies
as the antagonists. (Thus was the first propaganda against God
invented.) All of these tales are of
me, of my time, which is the present. Those
stories are Revelations of God in the flesh, who is none other than
I, Phillip, Ptah, Peter, the
Patriarch, Parusha, the Prophet, Jupiter.
is the sound of the tool used by stonemasons to carve the stone; just
as it is the sound of the
potter’s wheel, the crack
of rolling thunder, and of the hammering through the skull of God,
Golgotha, to remove a portion of my
brain. This
is the original sin that was done unto me, the
Father of All Creation.
This is the rape of
Persephone, the Persecuted
One, the passion or
crucifixion of Christ, the
stealing of the fire of the gods, the breaking of the first stone
tablet of Moses, and many other symbolic events.
is no Jewish myth apart from all others. It
is a lie.
am Abram, the World Soul, the embodiment of the Spirit. Abram became
Abraham to reflect the hijacking of the Logos and its utter
defilement. This is expressed in the Greek religion as the rape of
Persephone, and is the same tale as the fall of man and the expulsion
from the garden of Eden; as it is as well the tale of Moses and the
Pharaoh, and many, many others.
life is the source of these tales. I am the First Man, the Logos,
Thoth, the Universal Principle of Being embodied and vivified with
the Spirit.
am the reason the myth of progress is a lie. I am the wisdom of the
ages. I am the alien whose knowledge was reverse-engineered. I am the
mystery. I am the Ankh, the God in the World Egg, the Eternal Spirit,
am Moses. I and my forces shall crush the Empire of Satan and free
all people from under their yoke. After the Apocalypse, I will lead
them to safety by virtue of the Prophecy, and I will rebuild my
Temple of God.
was the babe who was sent down the river. My home is at its mouth. I
was the one whose life was blotted out by the evil rulers. I was the
one who had his life drained from him, as though David was made to
pour out the waters of everlastingness. The forty years which Moses
spent wandering in the desert was the forty years of my life I spent
under their spell.
others throughout history have modeled their lives after me. As did
Djoser, the
first Egyptian pharaoh
to build a pyramid at
Saqqara. It is the symbol of
Allah, of the
two worlds, Heaven and earth, of
Brahma, God and not-God,
Being and non-Being. It is
the structure of the natural
hierarchy of God, and his
life in relation to the four scribes who defiled the Logos and its
symbolism is seen in the headdress of the Pharaoh, which is in the
shape of the pyramid, including its underground chambers. Thus,
aligned with the head, it represents the universal man in the world
egg, after whom all is named in some fashion or another.
Pharaoh Djoser lived in a
small quarters after my
situation which confined me
to my
home. He lived an ascetic
life to take on the curse of the sphinx,
is the sacrificial lamb or lion. For
I am the scapegoat, the sheep led to the slaughter.
a time when Egypt had become
occupied by foreign invaders, and
all of the old temples
and statues were ruined and
defaced, Thothmosis
III (meaning, “Thoth is
born”) came to liberate his
people and to “clear away
the sand” around the sphinx
re-Egyptianize it. This point
in history was dedicated to my struggle, as the head of Djoser now
on the lioness.
of these characters in the history of man, which are indeed numerous,
are one and the same, going back to the earliest tales of Ursa, the
Bear, and Orion, the fallen and conquering god.
not known all things as a babe, like Jobe, I was tricked into losing
everything. His wounds are those which have afflicted me.
am that which is depicted upon the Sumerian
tablets in cuneiform. I am the king who is magnetized on his throne
by the four witches, dwarves, or bandits. With the serpent magic they
control the Wheel of Destiny which
is within my body.
another, are depicted the four scribes or horsemen: the first, a
bowman; second, a fairy or
cherubim holding
a decapitated
head of the sacrificial victim, the Logos, over the well
of time, where a butcher holds out the knife which severed it; third,
a man with an eagle hovering over the corpse with
two streams of fish flowing upwards into him in
an arch; fourth, a two-faced man, representing the splitting of the
Logos and the world ages, hence, Death itself, the
Apocalypse, and therefore
opening up to the rebirth of the Logos and of mankind.
depictions are of my life.
stations of the cross were not of some distant and foreign land,
whose culture you now take for your own. Your stations were of my
torments of which the Satanic elite have devised, each according to
the fashionable sins of our day.
I was bewitched and corrupted, then assaulted and raped, and finally
lobotomized and brutally tortured, by agents of America, Israel, and
the Vatican. I was cast out of your society and rejected by all, and
cast into a role of sin and victimization. I was defiled and
was used as a model of the
progressive man to explore
the issues
of homosexuality, sex, masturbation, transgenderism, drugs, rock ‘n’
roll, occultism, racism,
sexism, and so on. The
life I was hypnotically programmed into has
served the left and right wings equally by offering up an example on
high to worship or oppose, and to generate a massive controversy to
detract from the hidden hand of the elite. For
they share in
the aims and methods of the Marxists and Stalinists, to disintegrate
the bonds that go to hold together a society.
alongside this, a new
society has
been erected, and a new
law, one in which sees all detractors cast out of their “perfect
society” or reeducated back into it—into a new and false reality
over and against the beliefs and interests of man, and to such
extremes as would, in effect, cancel out entirely one’s own
personality traits, genders, likes, and
beliefs, in order to assert
control over the
evolution of the species, and to keep the public
placated until the War for the Last Day.
is the total debasement of mankind, lowering him to the lowest state,
more as a sick and savage beast lacking virtue or even a free will,
and without perfection of any kind, unless it goes to serve the ends
of the Satanic State to which he is enslaved. It is the model of
mankind forever marred and defiled,
the absolute hatred for God and his creation!
covenant that the gentiles made with the Jews is called Christianity.
It entails that the Christian accept for his own the books of the
Torah, which enacts a contract against God, to overthrow his
rule and install their own false civilization.
covenant was to break the bonds between God and man, smashing his
right of command, and thereby ending God’s grace. This very act was
the cause of all disobedience to the Lord, making him into a disabled
and brainwashed puppet. The covenant was to smash reality as it
existed and to cast doubt upon all knowledge, giving man over to so
many superstitions.
the Jews appear to oppose the doctrines of Christianity so as to
disavow it. But it is the Christians who deny God and the reality of
his life, not as a myth in some faraway place, but here now among
you. All know of his presence, for it is his life which is the
Prophecy that all have seen in their minds.
it is never asked why an entire population has denied God in the
first place. Is it not strange for a righteous man to accept such a
dead religion as their own, a religion of mourning and hardship,
sacrifice and persecution? Who would enter into such a plot against
God, but he whose religion was, in fact, a binding contract of
allegiance with the chief plotters? Is not such an allegiance a pact
with the Devil? Does not this religion of crucifixion constitute a
Satanism, par excellence?
not all myths speak of the very same crime? Is not this one secret
the focal point of all culture whose key or legend has been ripped
out of its pages so as to conceal the truth?
Church is guilty for its belligerence, its denials, for making God
into a fiction, their myth into the fictionalized killing of the
Leader of Man. It is guilty, more than anyone else, for nurturing
subversion against the Most High, and for implementing this scheme
against the will of the world, and for opening the floodgates to
atheism and materialism. That is the price for those who deny me as
their own, who have taken a corpse for a god.
must ask oneself why this religion of suffering and victimization, if
not to order the culture and mindset of the people around it? Hence,
so much of the culture of the infidel is to condition one into being
a victim. For victimhood is akin to injustice, and the rulers aim to
rule, both absolutely and malevolently, over a nation of victims.
particular model for society is found only in conditions which permit
its existence, the most prominent of them being representative
democracy implies duality, and therefore, a dualism. Its apex is
discordance, wherefore the cornerstone of democracy is strife.
Irreconcilable strife without true unity, which only God and his
ultimate Reality could bring, is a formula for disaster.
endless struggle of duality sooner or later causes the ultimate
inversion of things, whereby the worst are now raised up at the top.
Such duality is reliant upon the complete severance from objective
Reality, and therefore, its corresponding Virtues. This, which has
been brought on by the rejection of God, his Way, which is the
Absolute definition and model for which all life must follow, has
been set in play precisely for as to create the potential for
failure, such as may be referred to as the “fall of man.” Hence,
no sooner is strife produced than do competing realities move to tear
and tug at the true idea that is the Cosmos in all of its brilliance.
of the many ways in which the principles of reality are confounded is
through juxtaposing philosophy, or what should pass for such, with
opinion. Philosophy is the manner of knowledge and wisdom through
which one finds objectivity, whose goal is not mere individual
interest, but a complete and authentic survey of all things. Opinion,
on the other hand, is conducted through the perspective of individual
wants, and predicated on one’s limited experience and knowledge.
Philosophy is produced purely from a position that resides central
to, and above, the entire species and even nature itself for the
interests of the whole, irrespective of time or place.
it to say, there is, and can be, no compromising different realities,
or supplanting them with ideologies, which would be like bargaining
with phantom universes, each with their own fantastic laws. One
becomes all the more delusional as the foundations of reality slide
into fiction and fantasy, which is precisely what we have now, in our
time, in this aberration that is the modern world.
the Truth isn’t open to negotiation.
fool thinks absolute power corrupts absolutely. Intentionally or not,
he thereby opens the door to tearing down God and all values inherent
in nature or reality in general. On the contrary, the idea is the
master of the flesh. If absolute power corrupted absolutely then
everything would be absolutely corrupt and there would be no good.
Such a notion is the plaything of children imagining to be
philosophers, yet disregarding all of the laws of the cosmos, as well
as the meanings of terms.
is no greater crime to the Philosopher than the profanation of
reality, against which it is foolish to rebel. The idiocies of
idolatry are everywhere amongst our society which is blind to God and
the coming Apocalypse. What sort of people would walk so joyously
over the cliff, but those of whom we are privileged to be among
today? What should we call such reckless and suicidal thinking, but
diabolical and evil in its extreme?
we are a society that only lives for the spectacle, we are not
concerned with what lies within. Words have no meaning anymore. We
have been reprogrammed to react to appearances, rather than
realities, to be good cheerleaders, but not united towards any real
purpose. To descend like moths to a flame to a false center created
by the pseudo-elite, not the one upon whose light all of the world
is we who must proclaim the truth, even when to do so is the hard
all know in your hearts that Jesus Christ is not a Jew who was born
in a fictional place called Nazareth, just as Dionysus, Kronos-Zeus,
Amen-Ra, and so on, were not Greek or Egyptian. Fictionalizing the
truth is the problem with humanity. Why should this occur at all
other than to make people conform to a conditioned existence, which
is highly restricted and controlled by a certain influence, rather
than some other one? It is mere selfishness.
church is a festering remains of sin and disease, for
it has taken hold of my
Prophecy to exploit it for their own ends, to ransom it off, and to
resort to foolish
demagoguery and wars. Its leaders and laity create divisions where
there are none and so compound the spiritual problems of our age.
cannot arrive at the truth when one begins with a lie. One cannot
fight against evil and falsehood with deception and ignorance.
who are of the living must proclaim the truth of God. All else is a
know the truth: God is here among us now, and all have denied him and
forsaken him!
first manifestation on the earth was not in Palestine or anywhere
else, but in America, in the year 1977. This is the unspoken, yet
undeniable truth, which cannot be acknowledged by the delinquent and
cowardly masses. How clownish and pathetic mankind has become!
the eternal infidel, who has tarnished my Name! God damn humanity!
And God damn the church for opposing me! All religions be damned!
Their lies shall crumble along with the rest in the War for the End.
what has this insolence resulted in? We all know from our births, but
no one will say! As men have descended to their lowest form, as
foolish apes playing at gods, he works steadfastly to usher in
another world war before the coming dreaded ice age. It is a war
against which no religion will protect him. What are these pointless
cliques to God, but the playthings of worms!
are fast approaching the time in which man, who has become a god,
shall fall from the apex of civilization. He shall be unseated by his
own diabolic creation: the machine. And he shall find his presence
abased, as they abased God’s. And then they shall thoroughly and
completely become slaves to the Devil! For they shall be more machine
than man, not so much flesh-wise, as controlled mentally and
signs of the End have come abundantly upon us. The empire has grown
to astounding strength. Strife, pestilence, famine, earthquakes, and
other natural disasters have swept the land. Disorder rules the House
of the Lord. The company of heaven have been overthrown, and a false
way resides in their place. They who don the masks of the elite
command the worship of the masses and make all bow down to the Great
who are “gods” in name only are lauded with praise, while the
true God remains denied and unrecognized: a plaything or clown for
man’s amusement! He has been sacrificed on the altar like a lamb
led to the slaughter. It is a house of horrors.
armed with the Holy Lie have betrayed all of humanity! It is this Big
Lie which serves the Satanic State, for it shall usher in the End.
But it is the end of something which should never have come into
being. For all religions and all civilizations which have come before
me are false and bear the mark of Cain.
am the true Son of God! You, in the churches and synagogues, are the
liars and murderers! You, who have opposed me from the very start! It
is time to come clean. Stop the childish games. Take off the silly
dresses, and start acting like upright men. Proclaim the truth and
dispel the errors of the multitude. This you owe to humanity; this is
your debt to the world.
the birth of one small lie there grew to be a Legion, and this was to
be a Legion of Doom for the whole of humanity.
does not enter into bargains with man, or form secret pacts and
covenants. God does nothing in the dark like a common thief.
the Father and Son, am the seed which grew into all things which are
good. But mankind has forsaken the true sustenance of the Lord. They
have turned to the shells to gnaw and gnash their teeth upon, rather
than take hold of the fruit. And then they turn towards one another
in awe at the state of their failed city, and look to the heavens to
criticize God for their inadequacies, forsaking his wisdom.
man is the empty shell, discarded from the Tree of Life. For if that
which makes the man of today great are but the externalities which he
creates, then what need is one of man? If all about his civilization
are the myriad forms of evil, then what good is there in him overall?
is not superior. He is not God. He is not immortal. He is not even
righteous. To whom does man turn for guidance and leadership? And to
what end is he traversing?
of mankind have become like feckless cowards who would rather betray
themselves, their virtues,
and their God, than to enjoy the fruits of his
perfection. They have made
nature and reality their devils. This
is not my way, he who is the unconquered God, Natalis
solis invicti.
has forsaken reality to take hold of the lie. For how long, o’ man,
shall ye remain a slave to your sins? Proclaim the truth and save
your soul.
it takes to defeat evil, o’ man, is to expose, and stand up for,
the truth, lest ye be the handmaiden of the lie. How
can one profess to save souls when one’s own soul is so wretched
and diseased?
is nothing in the face of God.
am the truth. I am everything. I am everywhere, in every time, in
every place, in every muttering or motion that has ever existed. Who
is man to deny me? I am Man. I am your body, your soul, your
thoughts. To deny me is to deny yourself.
should take a long, deep look inwards to see the pox in their own
house, rather than to direct blame and hate what the Lord has
D.C., A.Q.R.