Monday, January 7, 2019

The Works of Diancecht

The Works of Diancecht

The Sanctum of the Heart
The Eyes of the World (Herald of Eschaton 1)
The Plot Against God: The True Gospel of Orion (Herald of Eschaton 2)
Civitas Diaboli: The Devil’s City (Herald of Eschaton 3)
The Order of the Temple of Arya: Aryan Hymns, Rites, and Precepts
God Speaks: A Line in the Sand: Calling All Things to a Point
Reflections on Tradition and Its Malcontents
Against American Supremacy: A Timeline of US Atrocities

Saturday, January 5, 2019

On the Devil or Anti-God

There have been a lot of misconceptions about who or what is the Antichrist lately, much of which seems to stem from the belief that it would be a certain man in specific, particularly the one who brings on the End, which is some immanent nuclear apocalypse. But this idea ignores the simple fact that no one man could go up against Christ (or the Supreme Being) on his own. There was indeed a long trail of corruption of the world order and of man that led up to this point.

Nevertheless, there cannot be an anti-Christ without a Christ to oppose; that is the very meaning of the term; and there would not be an Antichrist if the majority of people did not already reject God in full or in part. Ultimately, the people of this time are to blame, for all people living today have denied Christ’s coming, have acted none the wiser even though they know as well as anyone or any thing that has ever existed that he walks among you unacknowledged.

Mankind’s only hope lies with him. Yet so many today have denied even the reality of God and the Logos, and not just the personal and historical details, of which all the religions are as fakes and forgeries to some degree or another (hence, “myths” and not histories), but also the actual fact of God’s existence, to whom they owe their wit and wisdom. Are these people not also working towards bringing on the End and so therefore on the side of the Antichrist?

For it is a plain and self-evident fact that the real Logos was incarnated into a body first in 1977 in America. The true birth name of this God-man given to him by his parents is Phillip Thomas Stasi (P.T.S.). His name is echoed everywhere, his tale told in every sound in this universe: for the world is alive and vivified with his Spirit. Man and the world belongs to him, and no other.

Since he is God, his highest authority on earth, he belongs to no one religion; rather, religions are grossly imperfect to the Logos, and many of the myths are entirely fictional stories based on the Prophecy, which is his life. There are no Prophets and no Patriarchs, except the Logos himself. None of the religions have come directly from him.

The idea is absurd and offensive that God would offer himself up to be sacrificed by idiots, perverts, psychopaths, and fools! For why would the Face of God wish to create a religion in which he is opposed by a rebellious group of men who have stolen the world from him? Would such a conflict serve the needs and interests of God? I would think not! Yet this is the theme that runs through all myth as to be unanimous, for the religions of men are based on man’s subjective understanding of the Prophecy which they see in their minds. They are therefore imperfect.

Since there is no reason for evil or falsehood to exist apart from reality, such a conflict between good and evil must therefore have its origins in the diabolic, which means “to sever and cast apart; to rebel against reality.” It is from this act that we have the Devil; hence, it is not a person or force as such, but an act and an inclination towards error so as to oppose the true, that can be labeled evil or a devil. For the Devil is the great imitator of God, and therefore, everything that exists in God’s world must be parodied and counterfeited by Satan and his forces.

One of the greatest deceptions of the Devil is to make himself appear as the great liberator of mankind. Yet, whereas he is not the creator, he cannot therefore be the liberator. The Devil can only free man from himself and from God, away from the true and objective Reality.

Since man is not born into evil, the Devil must turn him onto it. He does this through temptation, lies, deceit, and an appeal to the lower emotions. Confusion, desire, and avarice are his tools; malice and destruction are his goals. He preys upon the passions, wants, irritations, weaknesses of the being, all of which tend to distract from one’s rationality.

His worst of deceptions is to parody the Spirit, the Divine Intellection, and the way or means by which man achieves the higher knowledge of Self (as it is a reintegration of the true man). He must do this, for all things rely upon God’s truth, and so must be confounded. He defiles it by hoodwinking the man and misleading him to a false center, whereby instead of man raising himself up to a super-conscious state, he is directed towards the subconscious and to the lower natures, to melancholy, to feelings removed from higher causes, or even rational meanings, to that state of debauchery and prideful ignorance, to that point in which a man is now ready to commit any sin for the Devil, including the act of killing God and everything he stands for.

Thus the Devil liberates man from himself, enslaving him to his lowest natures, as if he were now the living dead, all from the power of the lie, for it seemed as though harmless by itself. But from the one lie, there came many, until the day when the Lie became man’s ever-present reality. That was when the Lord came down to appear before his children in derision of their sickened state. Their lives were as mockeries of the Most High, whereby, instead of sacrificing one’s lower natures to make sacred, one sacrificed the higher self to gain the lower. The one is the way of life, the other the way of death. The former is kept by the people of God, and the latter, the followers of the Devil.

This Holy Lie which is inherent in Christianity is unique in the manner in which its myth begins in confusion, for the reason that its story is incomplete and biased. For again, the greatest offense it does to the truth is in the perspective of the god as a redeemer who sacrifices himself for man’s sins. This is most misleading. God came to lead humanity in a time of great peril, yet modern man rejected him for a materialistic empire. As such, it was not a sacrifice, but rather, the murder of God by the ruling powers of America and Israel, followed by the tacit approval of the people who refused to speak out, while yet others actively supported the brutal torments for their own selfish ends, and others were simply duped into going along with it.

Although the conspiracy against God had been first set into motion many centuries ago, the company of the Devil first moved upon Christ in early 1980, bewitching him with their Kabbalistic spells and trapping him in a prison of the mind to do harm unto the record of man. By this act of treachery, the agents of Satan sought only to build a global empire, enslaving the masses and culling half the population in the meantime. It is greatly to be regretted that Western civilization is so degenerate and foul that it thoughtlessly cheered on its own destruction, its own impending doom. For what is one to think but that the West hates God? They wish only for a personal messiah to bow down to their every wish.

There is no truth here; there is only sickness and disease. In such filthy conditions, how can one think of a coming Antichrist when all around one is ignorance, hatred, selfishness, evil, and falsehood? Will any of you survive your own foolishness?

What remains to be asked is exactly which religions are still legitimate?

Insofar as the Church is concerned, it is no longer a vivified body of life. The warnings put forth by Pope Leo XIII, that the Freemasons, whose “ends, means, doctrines, and actions…are all possessed by Satan, […] endeavor by every means to overthrow and fetter Christianity [and are] joined in most wicked conspiracy, [which] schemes to weaken and utterly wipe out the house of God.”

This act has now been completed. Western Christianity is dead. Only Russian Orthodox exists as a living religion, and few other marginal manifestations, which will all someday soon be absorbed into one Aryan Orthodox tradition dictated by my own hand.

Apart from this are the core orthodox variations of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shamanism, and various tribal traditions, which all must be brought into the perspective of the one Traditio Primordialis and the New Kingdom.

Before my coming, everything was bound to the Prophecy of the End. Now that I have arrived, the way forward is the true and living tradition, the one and universal Reality in which all life partakes.

Whereas the point of departure in all metaphysical thinking is God, the central life or prototype from which all other models derive, so too is my coming as a line in the sand and a break with the times of old, a liberation from the prophecy of death. I am as a sword to cut through the living and the dead, and to divide the lofty and the lame. Likewise, all men have their own crosses to bear as their own individual personalities meet up against the world.

Let there be no denying the causes for which man has given itself up to a fiery death. For it is an affliction of the mind. Ego, lies, and fear have brought us to this point…where an entire people have lost consciousness of God and the innate need to better oneself and their community, but remain focused totally on their own immediate pleasures. Their reduction of all knowledge and focus to the lowest order of the senses has given over their souls to so many fictions that their fictitious mentalities have crept into even the holiest of sanctuaries, the religions, sciences, academia, and the governing structure itself, thereby overturning all semblance of truth, order, and justice.

One cannot have faith in the unreal or in divers fictions. It is subversion plain and simple. Such that now there is scarcely any truth to prop up the lies, as the body collapses and dies away.

So, too, does God despise the cult-like nature of religious forms. Those who call themselves traditionalists are usually caught up only in appearances, in trying to “save the body, while losing the soul.” Men have become obsessed over the sentimental aspects of outer forms, such as the characters in myth, or its symbolism, or over the analysis of scripture, or some other trinket of the religion, rather than the focus on the whole physics of reality, its different planes that are arranged in a specific hierarchy and reflected in the modes of the being.

In other words, our purpose here is simply to know ourselves, to know man, life, and our reality, in order to best work together on this planet harmoniously, in mutual understanding. And, therefore, all ideologies must be as universal at the highest level to unify the formalities of nature.