Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Cult of Civilization

More and more people have come to notice that nearly everything in today’s world seems to have been turned on its head, yet rather than admitting to the failures of the mechanisms of modern civilization, man goes well out of his way to find excuses to blame the many disturbances on. One of the most famous of these is sin which more recently gave way to mental illness. Yet what exactly is sin but that which dares to go against the insane rules of the superstitious slave-religions? And what is mental illness but the sins against a secular priesthood embodied in the state and psychiatric institutions? The modern theologians can no more know God’s will than psychologists, doctors, scientists, or politicians, yet each set themselves up as saviors, and each are part of the same rotten system which has run everything into the ground.

Modern culture, as passed down through family, school, media, religion, and government, is nothing more than a cult from which one cannot escape. All of the mannerisms, ideologies, behaviors, customs, etc., are predetermined for the people. Their lives are meaningless illusions, mere playacts, tired roles which they choose from, none of which are real.

One cannot reject things like modern medicine, compulsory education, or scientific, religious, and political ideologies; those who do are called insane, and society or the government steps in to force it on one or lock one up in a cage. The establishment cannot handle dissenting opinions, and they would rather oppress the people than allow them the freedom to question modern civilization.

Science was surely the springboard for the cult of civilization which rushed ahead without having its facts straight or even its moral values. Science was responsible for much of the modern day horrors of industrialization which not only enslaved the people to robotic, unintelligent work and mass production, but poisoned the people and the environment alike with fossil fuels, nuclear waste, toxic products, and contaminants. With industrialization brought mechanized warfare and the demand for modern medicine. This pseudo-religion has become a research industry which endlessly swallows up funds in the brainless effort to abolish death. Saving humanity—which is what it has come to be called—from the consequences of their own wrongdoings is the most ridiculous nonsense that modernity could ever be obsessed with. Prolonging the lives of inferior men who don’t deserve to live longer than their time allows is nothing more than the acceptance and rewarding of horribly bad behaviors; worse, it has contributed greatly to overpopulation and all of the problems it causes.

Psychology and psychiatry can also be considered a branch of this pseudo-religion, both of which are utter frauds, basing their false doctrines on the ramblings of quack doctors mixed with just so much of the obvious psychological observations that it may give the semblance of legitimacy. As far as psychiatry goes, their so-called treatments, including shock-therapy, antipsychotic and antidepressant medications, have been shown to be utter frauds, operating less effectively than sugar pills, yet far worse, are barbaric systems of torture and dependence on brain-damaging drugs.

The ridiculous notion that mental illness, which over a third of the population seems to have, is due to a “chemical imbalance” is outright criminal and driven at times by profit motive and at others by a cynical desire to oppress. To feel angry, frustrated, and depressed in this godforsaken cult of civilization is indeed normal, whereas the people who ought to be classified as abnormal or crazy are those who are satisfied with, and utterly enjoy, modernism.

As Dante says, “there is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.” In modern civilization, everything is profane and meant to stimulate the lower passions, whereas the intellectual brain is lacking to the point of irrationality. Such is not fit for man or animal but suits a corrupt establishment who find it easier to rule over the ignorant, weak, and brainwashed rather than the free, strong, and intelligent.

The Cult of Work

According to the doctrine of castes and world ages, civilization observes a cyclic decline coinciding with a regression of castes. In the Golden Age, distinction between castes was not observed, since everyone shared in the primordial enlightenment. Distinction of castes began in the Silver Age following the separation of the spiritual authority from the temporal power, wherefore the warrior caste, centered around the emperor, was given a divine right to rule by the sacerdotal caste. In the Bronze Age, the ruling influences shifted to that of the artisan caste, and in the present Dark or Iron Age, the merchant and slave castes struggle for control.

Now, a person who assumes a role in a higher caste while having no actual ability to do so, in performing the functions of that caste, is nothing more than a fraud and an outcast. A person must have the potential ability by blood, and have attained mastery of the ability by a specific doctrine and training. Many of the problems in our current age arise as a consequence of a total reversal of this doctrine; to wit: workers see value only in consumerism which has replaced tradition; businessmen care only for immediate profit no matter what the cost to man and the environment; soldiers fight dishonorably for unjust causes; rulers lead their nation to ruin and disgrace and utterly destroy their people in the name of false mental constructs which they praise as lofty ideas; priests, ignorant of traditional doctrine, have politicized and falsified their own religions; all of which demonstrates that humans are not equal, that those who are unable to perform higher duties must be cast down to their proper place or be cast out as pariahs, and that those with true abilities be raised up.

A higher caste cannot be assumed by a revolution or by systematic murder of the higher guard which would allow the lower being to take their place. This which was done by the Christian tyrants and once again by the socialist revolutionaries represents a widespread fraud that has only ended in the catastrophe that rejects caste, hollows out all sense and meaning of the caste system, and instead sees it as a mere birthright and economical position that grants authority without any test of skill or knowledge which confirms the rightful attainment of that grade.

Once there was no longer any spiritual benefit in doing work, but only a material reward for a mechanical act, then such work has become slavery or a totally degenerated form of life. As work was reduced to commodities, so too did the relations between the employers and employees collapse, followed by the total disregard for the entire community and habitat. The only concern became the increase of profit margins by maximizing work and productivity at less cost of labor and overhead.

Due to modern technology, the population increased exponentially and businesses saw further opportunities for profit through rapid development. Urbanization became the criteria for a nation, and rural life was debased as primitive and backwards. Following Puritanism and Communism, work and productivity became the new religion which primary aim was to strip everything traditional and spiritual from the world. Overpopulation now poses a serious problem as there is not enough food and water for much of the population and the harm done to the environment will be irreparable. Politicians nevertheless continue to increase immigration and development, which results in massive debt, erosion of culture, increase in crime, and the collapse of state infrastructure, cities, schools, hospitals, prisons, etc. Eventually, man must choose whether he will eradicate global poverty and secure global industrialization and economic growth, or minimize pollution and secure a sustainable population which is dependent on natural resources. He cannot do both. With more expansion of population and industrialization comes not only more plundering of resources, but also more pollution and destruction of natural habitats, which threatens all life.

Thus occurs the need for a cull on the global population by at least half, starting with criminals, deadbeats, and malicious people. Humans should have to prove why they should be allowed to live, that their life gives value to the world. Also, controls on the remaining population should be set to limit the amount of children families may produce.

None of this comes as a surprise, as the ancient sages were quite accurate in describing the Dark Age. According to the Celtic Colloquy of the Two Sages: “Every one will pass out of his (proper) state through pride and arrogance, so that neither rank nor age, nor honor, nor dignity, nor art, nor instruction will be served.” Upon losing the caste system, we find the tyranny of the slaves through democracy, where “every king will be a pauper.” In societies such as these, “Everyone will hurt his neighbor: so that every brother will betray another.” And, “Everyone will turn his art into false teaching and false intelligence, to seek to surpass his teacher.” Perhaps most condemning of this age, “The proud man will sell his honor and his soul for the price of one scruple.” As further, “Modesty will be cast off: folks will be contemned: lords will be destroyed: ranks will be despised: the sacred will be degraded: languages will be forgotten: seers will not be produced.” And finally, “Righteousness will be removed: false judgments will be manifested by the usurpers of the final world: fruits, after appearing, will be burnt up by a flood of outlanders and rabble.”

Similarly, the Hindu Puranas state that, “In the Kali Yuga men will develop hatred for each other even over a few coins. Giving up friendly relations, they will be ready to lose their own lives and kill even their own relatives. Men will no longer protect their elderly parents, their children, or their respectable wives. Thoroughly degraded, they will care only to satisfy their own bellies and genitals.” Furthermore, “All kings occupying the earth in the Kali Yuga will be wanting in tranquility, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with character that is mostly tamas, rising to power and soon falling. They will be short-lived, ambitious, of little virtue, and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, undisciplined barbarians will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go on living with perversion, they will be ruined.

And Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Yuga, and people commit sin in mind, speech, and actions… Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines, drought, and calamities appear. Testimonies and proofs have no certainty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Yuga settles down. People become poorer in vigor and luster. They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious. Bad ambitions, bad education, bad dealings, and bad earnings excite fear. The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful. Many sudras will become kings, and many heretics will be seen…

Earth will be valued only for her mineral treasures. Money alone will confer nobility. Power will be the sole definition of virtue. Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage. Lust will be the only reason for womanhood. Falsehood will win out in disputes. Being dry of water will be the only definition of land. Praise, worthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth. Impropriety will be considered good conduct, and only feebleness will be the reason for unemployment. Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship. Only those without wealth will show honesty. Just a bath will amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue. Abduction will be marriage. Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety. And any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site. The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the castes on earth.”

Howsoever horrible this all may seem, the end of a cycle must correspond with a starting over, as such: “Clouds will be full of lightning, homes will be devoid of piety, and all human beings will have become like asses. At that time, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear on the earth. Acting with the power of pure spiritual goodness, he will rescue eternal tradition.”

The Industrialist Error

It has long occurred to us that not only are mere systems to blame for the world’s problems, but rather human nature, typical to modernity, which is at the source of much of the tendencies toward systematization and other behavioral disorders. Man has so thoroughly lost touch with nature, virtue, his own self, that he now takes everything for granted; he is irreparably damaging his brain with modern power sources which go to fuel an endless supply of apparent tools of pleasure, and like the snake and the garden, he has fallen from it, has completely lost the ability to control his own passions, his own mind. And this is a most dire problem that faces the modern world according to which fallen man has gotten his hands on too much power which now has set a course for the irremediable destruction of entire peoples, civilizations, and the environmental habitat itself.

Strangely, the industrial and technological revolutions are hailed as the “harbingers of progress” by the herd, but are only recognized as monstrous disasters by the wise. Industrialism eradicated the sacred vocations of the free man and enslaved the worker to the cult of machines. These modern breakthroughs gave rise to overpopulation and then to an unfathomable amount of pollution and toxic waste. Nature is pillaged of its resources to further the production of poisonous, synthetic merchandise which is much more harmful than good. Development continues to eat up entire lands; more and more cities are produced whereby the natural land is decimated for concrete jungles; forests, pristine habitats, and farms are demolished for housing and shopping centers. Power lines and antennas stretch across most of the planet radiating all life and mutating genes to cause untold diseases. Cars, trains, ships, planes, rockets flood the skies with smog by a people always on-the-go but never really going anywhere, except to an early grave, a final escape from their lifelong escapism.

What was touted as progress was in reality a total descent into the most inferior regions in time where every sacred principle is rejected. In modern civilization, being completely the invention of the bourgeoisie, governments revolve around the economy and even go so far as to overthrow traditional civilizations in order to modernize them so that they may then partake in globalism, which was the inevitable outcome of industrialism. For where mass production is the driving force of the economy, there will always be an economic expansion and subsequent collapse, because one man can do the work of one-hundred. This results in overproduction, stagnating sales, and high unemployment rates. Capitalist businesses therefore rely on continued expansion of the marketplace through international trade, immigration, and population growth, none of which can be sustained.

By and large, the Western people have wholly misrepresented freedom which was never intended to be a freedom to do whatever one wants, but to do what one is naturally able to do, which is the true concept of fate. This obligation comes not under human laws or rights disconnected from nature and religion, but from living under God’s laws which are synonymous with nature’s laws. Thus, freedom isn’t the will to pleasure and desire leading ultimately to sin and error, as it is so accustomed to being known in the West; for this only places man in slavery to the passions, which is opposite to God’s law.

Man continues on this destructive path because he denies that he is the problem. He doesn’t need a fantastical theory such as global warming or climate change to serve as a distraction, but rather to admit to the fact that pollution in all its forms is destroying life and the environment. All of the waste, chemicals, exhaust from fossil fuels, and radiation from power sources are products of modern industrial civilization and widespread development.

As stewards of the earth, those who do not respect life do not deserve life; no one has a right to destroy the planet or the health of the people.

Accordingly, we declare modernism to be completely at odds with the principles of life. Nowhere is this more shown to be the case than in the absence of preserving genetic integrity. Whereas science has proven the dependence of genetic integrity on diet, men who consume processed, fatty, sugary, junk foods will have low sperm quality. Massive cumulative exposure to DNA-altering toxic chemicals in foods, genetically engineered crops, contaminated water, pharmaceuticals, plastics, household and personal care products also contributes to extensive health problems. An unhealthy diet, moreover, will irreversibly increase the risk of various diseases and infertility in multiple generations of offspring.

Since sperm regenerates every few days, one may produce healthier sperm by a change in diet. Women, on the other hand, receive all of their eggs at birth, the initial health of which is largely determined by the diet of the pregnant mother carrying the fetus. Since the female’s eggs are non-regenerative, the integrity of those eggs are at risk to whatever radiation or harmful chemicals the female is exposed to, causing genetic mutations.

Only a tiny minority wish to restore to mankind the understanding of nature and the universe as a living entity. Most humans today unfortunately have proven themselves to be the dumbest generation of all time, who are devolving into a diseased, unfit, and infertile race which will consequently become extinct for refusing to give up modernist excesses. Even more foolishly do they oppose eugenics which aims to preserve the fit, healthy, and fertile, while restricting the least fit from reproduction. Is this not the greatest inversion to be seen in the Dark Age?

(From Reflections on Tradition and Its Malcontents)

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