Friday, June 14, 2019

The Epidemic of the Modern Age

There are now being found all the problems, mishaps, and inferiorities with humankind. They are abnormalities of which under a certain and specific observation are discovered simply for that the Truth has been founded and a new way has since purged. In the immediate sense, the most certain of these disturbances is categorized under the modern world, with its intellectual and religious degeneration, its moralism, democracy, and its countless, various diseases, inferiorities, and distortions that infect every aspect of modern life.

The great philosophical problem with our age that is foremost of consideration is nothing more than, “How does one achieve peace?” And in all their endless contemplating they cannot for the life of them find a suitable answer. The dilemma, ultimately, owes itself to the fact that they cannot, or quite simply refuse to, recognize the actual problem. They blame the man himself and not the methods of his learning and spiritual foundation.

They blame the agents of government but not the system from which their principles are drawn. They blame the Aryan himself and not the foreign and degenerate contaminants of his body and spirit. They even go so far as to blame ideology as such, demanding in turn, that we all exist without any firm absolutes, ideas, or worldviews whatsoever!

And throughout all of this hand-wringing and standardization of absolute cowardice, the outcaste, which is today in a ruling position, imposes upon all one restriction of self after another. So instead of admitting that their ideas are in error and are therefore not meant to be, they would rather busy themselves with a madness of overseeing every little aspect of a person’s life, stripping away everything that makes up the man and his higher self, including all those things that don’t mix with their petty agenda.

Sooner or later, one must admit to the world that, “Peace never existed.” Therefore: “How could I be that which is nonexistent?” And the answer: “Obliterate! Obliterate all wrong ideas. Obliterate the inferior self. Obliterate falsehood and deceit. Obliterate self-restriction and guilt. Become the higher man.”

In a traditional world, it is clear, that all worthy peoples are to be initiated into the mysteries and lead a spiritual life. Insofar as this goal may never be met, at least in the current time, it yet stands to reason that the present superstitions and stage-acts are merely an insult to our intelligence. Not only are the low arts of witchcraft widespread, but so too are the so-called holy sacraments, immaculate deceptions, and paltry prayers of modern religions as selfish, foolish, and stupid. These deviations and subversions are but the offshoots from the degenerate shells of tradition, which can only prove as a threat to whatever civilization they are to be found in practice. If we are to place our imbecility on a pedestal and worship it then there can be no hope for mankind to advance, to make right, to attain Arya and the Absolute.

The so-called religious leaders of the modern age, which is a title bestowed upon them who in no way deserve it—for they who do not so much as follow any true principles but mere profane illusions can no more lead in its truest sense—are yet now of a position demanding “belief” and “faith” in what is merely the profane, human, material, and historic absurdity. Even if such religions as Christianity and Islam at one time attempted a restoration of tradition or any degree thereof it is clear today that there is no salvaging these far gone religions, and that we must believe only our own impressions of how crazy and degenerate the modern world has really become; for it is only upon this sudden realization that one and all may, in turn, react against it.

We have come to the point where religions, which began for the sole purpose of teaching the initiate to achieve a union with the Divine, have now resorted to preaching against it, so that all of the knowledge and spiritual realization has been eliminated and replaced by common morals and superstitions, and much worse, by a ridiculous secular humanism. Indeed, one of the greatest deviations was in first redefining the meaning of tradition, which originally and can only mean the Sacred Tradition, into that of the merely human realm of culture, custom, and profane belief, so that an entire people have been duped into forgetting their actual tradition! Wherever we find any hint of a spirituality it is almost always irretrievably tangled up in its more or less fraudulent forms so as to render the entire experience and teaching a counterfeit, if not a very serious danger to whomever is overcome by it.

These modernized religions, which are really nothing more than the embodiments of pseudo-initiations and counter-initiations, nevertheless, demand that we leave behind all forms of action, such as would be of use to combat all the profanities, deviations, and subversions as found within modernity itself. Such modern slave-religions, by demanding that what is spiritual is merely one’s sentimental, emotional being, appeal only to the basest and most crude of individuals, that what is thought to be religion today is in actuality the anti-religion or anti-spirituality, which is sucking the life out of the people, and is promulgated only by the devils of dispersion.

In reality, the man of tradition must give his praise to the “end times,” insofar as it means the end of this decrepit servitude to an wholly inferior order, and moreover, the ending of the last age, which is merely the start of a new one.

This being the case, rather than hopelessly and in vain defending or seeking to conserve all those principles or practices of the Dark Age which are the counterfeits and degenerate shells of tradition, and rather than support a defense of modern life which has indeed by now infected both East and West, one must instead welcome its total collapse, the complete dissolution of modernity, upon which and only afterward can a new Golden Age commence.

For the contrary is wholly horrific. Without this march towards said transition we will continue to lay claim to a world in which our folk are near powerless, a world in which we are constantly being trained and seduced in the rotten art of brown-nosing and mindless droning; whereas the herd are trampled upon, the true evils—restriction, destruction, and endless hypocrisies—prevail; and at the end result is a declaration that man must die to find salvation, simply for there is no sense in living any longer!

One may hopefully, after being left in the dark for so long, recognize the train of error to this absurd reasoning. It is a pseudo-philosophy that demands that the greatest joy is death, and the meaning of life is to enslave yourself to others. The irony here reveals not a divine way but that of its opposite; for the source of this “philosophy” comes not from a supreme energy, but from that of a traitor and a coward, from one who is in fear of his own life, and who is consumed by a regrettable self-loathing.

We, therefore, do not care to be under the restraint of the modest and the “good,” what forces the most pathetic of actions. We act with a decisive spiritual force and a most victorious splendor. Those who seek to suppress our wrath are the worst enemies of humankind; they cannot see the immeasurable beauties of the world and life. These fools are utterly failures. Our ways are tried and true; theirs, of idolatry and sport, are meaningless and fruitless.

There is truth. There is victory. Those who deny it are merely fools, lost in the endless trappings of life.

As Nietzsche wrote, “To be true—that can few be! And he who can, will not! Least of all, however, can the good be true. Oh, those good ones! Good men never speak the truth. For the spirit, thus to be good, is a malady. They yield, those good ones, they submit themselves; their heart repeateth, their soul obeyeth: he, however, who obeyeth, doth not listen to himself!”

For, “It is not enough for me that the lightning no longer doeth harm. I do not wish to conduct it away: it shall learn to work for me. My wisdom hath accumulated long like a cloud, it becometh stiller and darker. So doeth all wisdom which shall one day bear lightnings. Unto these men of today will I not be light, nor be called light. Them will I blind: lightning of my wisdom! put out their eyes!”

* * *

Historically, as the spiritual authority degenerated, it found its ideal temporal power in democracy which, when tyrannical, is the worst form of government; and, indeed, tyranny was inevitable, given the time period. The transition from the traditional monarchy to that of a democracy created a shift of wealth once owned by the sacerdotal and regal castes over to a bourgeois oligarchy, who quickly became corrupted and opposed tradition for modern “progress,” so long as it made the wealthy business owners richer. In turn, the plutocratic oligarchy found democracy to be a perfect vehicle for their racket.

Democracy, as it were, not only requires the high intelligence of the majority of people who are usually rather naïve, but the active and constant voicing of their opinions which would consume more time and energy than they could possibly have. Moreover, with the degeneration of the highest castes, which have since been virtually eliminated, the qualifications for governance would be sorely lacking. As this age falls under the influence of the lowest caste, we not only see a stark individualism but a commonality in the basest and most animalistic attitudes. The bourgeoisie play upon the individualism of the proletariat to serve the purpose of capitalism, where money, economy, and the ever-expanding business is the objective, thereby giving the wealthy control over culture and public conduct.

Whereas one percent of the population controls more than fifty percent of the global wealth, these plutocratic oligarchs get away with high crimes against the people and even refuse to pay their share of taxes. All of this while the so-called middle class are robbed of nearly half of their earnings, which will then go towards tyrannical programs that effectively oppress the honest and hardworking citizens. Perhaps much worse in error and humiliation is the outrageous scheme that the successful working man is forced to pay for the development of non-Aryan nations, under the simplest pretext that they are in need of “developing,” even as our homeland is left decaying in ruins, when in fact there had been no such development as to secure their self-sufficiency and prosperity, but rather development of their military and intelligence apparatus so as to oppress the people and impose an imperialistic dictat. As a direct result of their incompetence and failure to solve the problem, the mass migration of the populations of the non-Aryan nations presents for Europe and the West an insurmountable problem, which the rulers wish only to remedy by creating wars and conflicts throughout the world to decimate the population.

Western man has virtually become a slave for furthering the material progress of the American capitalists which exists above all else. This being the case, anything that potentially is a threat to strapping one into the workplace to further the lives of a community so vile of disgust is immoral in the eyes of religion, and therefore suppressed by society, the world conscience, and finally prohibited by law. We are not supposed to think. We must only obey. It is this extreme narcissism that commands to all what they can and cannot handle—their failures are constantly being pushed upon the masses.

Nevertheless, the herd cower in fear at even the slightest threat. Truth, justice, and virtue have all been outlawed, yet the masses as a whole remain complacent, cowering in their beards. Granted, there have arose several sporadic opposition movements, yet without a solid foundation of sacred principles, there can be nothing with which to serve as a strong and lasting opposition to the decayed forms of life; and this is where most who take up the flag to march go wrong, be it from the very beginning, which is seriously lacking.

René Guénon summed up the argument against democracy by these decisive words: “The higher cannot proceed from the lower, because the greater cannot proceed from the lesser; this is an absolute mathematical certainty that nothing can gainsay.”

Of these so-called authorities of spiritual and temporal power it should be at least ostensibly clear that there is not one speck of royalty among them, and that their means of worship are as primitive and slavish as the animal kingdom. Rather, in this hectic mix of secularism and neo-Christian culture, there can be nothing more than an inevitable reversion into that which Christianity originally set out to oppose, that is, to a culture predominately of materialism against which a murky moralism cannot adequately defend. For in these times we bear witness to a god and a salvation relying and centered almost solely upon money and the economy. Modern technology, business, and labor have all been elevated to a divine status, yet spiritually and psychologically the people are as defunct, loathing in their own self-hate.

The banner has been raised, and of that, its false doctrine, of peace, equality, and freedom for all. The sacred symbol of the cross has been replaced by the hammer and the sickle. Work has become synonymous with the path to the divine. Moreover, all life is regarded as sacred, without regard to how benefic or how malefic it is, or even to a natural hierarchy, which has been completely negated. The banner that once may have read “God and Tradition” now reads “submission and tyranny” or “peace through consumerism,” this which has only given rise to overpopulation and, as a consequence, the destruction of the planet.

The West is being strangled in its predisposition and fascination with constant change over stability, with inferior action over contemplation, with the impossible equalization and egalitarianism of the arts, crafts, sciences, and the systems of spiritual and temporal power. As institutions such as that of the plastic and phonetic arts are made accessible to all and the lowest, the granting of which can only move to confirm the overturning of the higher man by the lesser for wherever he may appear. And so it has been that for centuries democracy and its modernism has withered to a powerless body of blind, naïve, and obsessed individuals—or, rather, politicians—who are concerned only with their careers and their fundraisers, their festivities and their speeches.

Theirs is truly a reign of quantity. For only in such a flawed system can the child who was always teased and bullied on the playground become the man of political machismo, dictating to the world its policies.

Likewise, in a relatively and predictably short amount of time has a complete inversion occurred. Democracy no longer obeys the illusory “will of the people,” but rather the will of the degenerate rabble, the criminal, gangster, outcast, the sick and deviant. Men, women, and children alike are no longer safe in or out of their homes. The people now live in constant fear of being robbed, slandered, assaulted, raped, or murdered by an ever-increasing number of thugs, who are not only given a veritable free roam with which to conduct their low acts, but are imported on a massive scale from throughout the world.

All democracies are, for these very reasons, destined to collapse, sooner or later, into an oppressive tyranny, in which case the nation is ruined by excessive misuse of force against its own people, and by miscalculations of funds and programs, or into a chaos resembling that of anarchic mob rule, from which point there is no longer any recognizable state; more accurately, it would appear to us as a mixture of both catastrophic forms before the entire nation falls to ruin or foreign conquest. In either case, no amount of media propaganda through which the people are kept hypnotized will serve to alleviate the problems. For as long as soulless modernism exists to suck the life out of the child before its chance to reach into a higher form of self, can this world only exist as a pile of ruins.

* * *

In today’s political and social landscape, the idea of progress is everywhere professed but realistically is nowhere found, or being a mere illusion is simply a catchword to ensure the ideology born from a completely material civilization. In this way, progressivism is wholly a Western creation as to be synonymous with modern Westernism, which has come to include a great deal of minor ideologies, all of which are similar in terms of modernity.

Now, progress is only a superstition or idolatry, for as a symbol it has lost all meaning; it is in no way a spiritual progress, but simply an imagined moral progress, which can only parody true intellectuality. Since the seventeenth century there has indeed been a real material progress, but this brought with it a complete negation of the spirit and the rise of a secularist morality that is used to prop up a wholly material civilization.

Morality itself has in fact become a superstition, or we may define secular democracy as moralist, whence morals are no longer seen as symbols of the higher celestial mystery through which a certain intuitive realization is attained—and this which can only be had on the personal level—but are now only recognized as behavioral commandments or legal codes, the participation of which has the natural tendency to swell the egoism of the people.

Charity, to make an example, is more often than not given as a means to exploit masses of people so that an expanding international economy may prosper. Politicians are always eager to spend someone else’s money, or even borrowed money, to help develop countries and small villages alike in order that they may now be steady participants in global capitalism and consumerism.

Now this does not in any way resemble charity or duty; it is rather cynical at best, where poverty has now come to mean not having the latest technology. Such morality as severed from all metaphysical principles can no longer be thought of as a means to salvation of one’s soul; nonetheless, this does not stop politicians from presenting themselves as saviors, often cloaking their words in religious overtones which they do not even have the mental capacity to understand.

Blessed are the poor in spirit,” says the gospel, for it is not material goods that better the man; it is almost always the contrary: the more money an immoral or ignorant man has the more destructive he’ll become, and the farther away from God. This sort of false charity as part of the beloved moral progress is sharply an inversion or involution, and so cannot intelligibly be called a progress at all, if for all that the worst elements in man become swelled resulting in drastically negative influences.

This false morality has also given rise to a traumatism in which people find offensiveness and mental trauma in the slightest jabs or punishments, or in cases which are wholly imaginary where there is no such offense; but these people who complain about false traumas, as Schuon says, are already monsters. The same goes to show that moral progress is in many ways a manipulative practice utilized to boost egos, wealth, and bad behaviors.

Along with capitalistic exploitation, this false charity indelibly fosters Western political ideologies in those countries, giving the illusion of an assumed moral authority to the West. It is in fact difficult to find anyone in the world who does not praise this age as the era of progress, even only as a formalism. It is so much taken for granted that most people are afraid to question this very idea and so fail to see its deceptive falsehood.

The truth is that progressivism began from a discontinuity at the end of the Middle Ages when intellectuality had ceased in the West, the grave error being that traditional expressions were blamed for the falling out rather than the descending tendencies of fallen man; and thus the pretense was born which gave superiority to all things new or remade, only with inferior designs, arising mostly from rationalist and humanist speculation. Thus humanism, which is inseparable from notions of progress, asserts itself as the new religious form in which the supernatural is denied or negated and the psychic human is the ultimate reality; and this is the inversion of all divine truth. But it wasn’t enough that the West should adopt this inverted philosophy, it felt a tumultuous need to enforce this dissolving poison on the rest of the world.

We can therefore say without distortion that progressivism is Western Supremacy with all of its civilizationism, modernism, materialism, democratism, industrialism, scientism, liberalism, globalism, individualism, egalitarianism, and humanism that has plagued and ravaged the globe for centuries. Far from saving the world from poverty and injustice, the West has rather forced all peoples to abandon their traditional civilizations in exchange for Western modernity, which has for its roots only the most social aspects of the degenerate Greco-Roman period—negating its intellectuality which is out of the reach of the moderns—but also the Renaissance, Reformation, and revolutionary period, which are out-and-out anti-traditional. These successive phases have not only resulted in a severance in the West from true religious orthodoxy, but also have led to an absence of principles, spiritual or intellectual, which would normally serve as a basis for a traditional civilization. The deviation, moreover, along with a pesky antagonism, has been the cause of several devastating wars which have torn apart entire continents and nearly eradicated entire races.

Presently, we may trace the new conflict involving the West and Islam to the same Western disease in which Islamic nationalism, springing from a deviant Western education, threatens a rivalry under the guise of terror. It is not by accident that Islam gives birth to hardliners who are the same type of moralist fundamentalists and anti-esoterists that are found in sheer abundance in the West in yet a secularist and democratist fashion (since, as was stated, severance of the spiritual and temporal functions have brought on an absence of principles); for Islam and the West under Christendom share a commonality in Semitic religion which, being sentimental, has the tendency towards legalism, moralism, and formalism.

It is therefore pointless to speak of a clash of religions. The conflict here, rather, was entirely brought on by the West and its colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which in turn sparked the Islamic revolution against a Western bid for modernization. The East has responded in kind by a massive Islamic colonization of the West, which is displacing the European populace, in their own bid to gain the majority and transform the West into an Islamic State. It is the delusion of the Westerner that he can sufficiently Westernize Muslim immigrants and keep them in his favor.

Unfortunately, the Westerner, who has made a science out of brainwashing propaganda, convinces with ease the ignorant masses that anyone who opposes modern Westernism is insane and must be corrected or locked up. The same strategy has been utilized again and again. For instance, having to sit through a dull, monstrous, and near useless Western education five days a week for sixteen years drives most people crazy, but leave it to the Westerner to blame the victim by inventing ridiculous diseases such as the “attention deficit disorder” and forcing harmful drugs on these same powerless and frustrated children in order that they receive an education that they cannot opt out of, all the while claiming that one is privileged to have such studies of erudition, which really goes nowhere in the intuitive and intellectual sense, except for its work on materials and machines, but has tricked man into thinking that mere memorization and assimilation of “facts” is true knowledge.

Just as sure and swift as enchained to the senses has modern man become the prisoner of Westernism and its dictatorial governments. The progressivism espoused by all of the major parties, including oddly enough the nationalist parties, is, as we have pointed out, nothing more than a deplorable Western Supremacism. The West shamefully views the world as one gigantic prison in which they are both wardens and prisoners, because not only are they glad to be so but, lacking the mental qualifications and genuine moral courage, are afraid to be freed from their own prisons. Like Plato‘s analogy of the cave, where the sensible world or perception is the prison, modern man is truly the caveman par excellence.

(From Reflections on Tradition and Its Malcontents)

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