Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Against American Supremacism

Although it is true, one could write several volumes on the seemingly endless trail of chaos and misrule, caused in the wake of the heinous atrocities committed by the Western powers in their pursuit for global domination, the following compendium here so presented may act merely as a concise overview of the American-Atlantico-Zionist Empire, which has been the source of so much evil and suffering in the world. It thus may serve as a handy reference guide to awaken one and all to the pervasive evils of “American Supremacism,” whose dark history has long been suppressed. A conspiracy of silence and a complete failure of justice has allowed this cycle of violence to continue without any repercussions. And it has become quite commonplace that whenever the Western establishment is criticized, or its narratives challenged, one is immediately branded a “conspiracy theorist,” a traitor, or any of the other myriad names and offenses with which the establishment and its minions may move to prop up their untenable positions and shut down all inquiry and debate on the policies and actions of the government, whose viewpoints are as indefensible and unsound as they are untrustworthy and obfuscating.

At the same time, the most ardent backers of conspiracy theories, ironically, are the establishment gatekeepers themselves. The only difference being that their conspiracy theories are meant to demonize political opponents, both foreign and domestic, and thus detract from the real issues at hand. Although their theories lack any semblance of truth or evidence towards their claims, they are usually accepted at face value, simply because they are promulgated by the authorities and so-called experts. These theories, or baseless accusations, rather, are also the most dangerous, as they only succeed in further threatening the peace by those initial aggressors who disturbed it, thus feeding the perpetual cycle of violence and retaliation.

Be that as it may, we need not resort to idle speculations, but only to refer to actions or events which are proven to be true by leaked, declassified, or otherwise acquired documents, firsthand accounts and testimonies, results of trials and investigations, and other factual findings, in order to arrive at a suitable conclusion. Taken altogether, this study comprises a field of historical revisionism that may be termed “conspiratology” after the factual, logical, and scientific investigation, examination, and exposition of conspiracies throughout history that are otherwise covered up or hidden from public view.

Most criminal conspiracy cases at the higher levels go unsolved and unpunished not for lack of evidence, but due simply to the resiliency of those in power and their ability to obstruct and misdirect any investigation or prosecution that might come about. The more complex conspiracies involve many levels and departments of government and are often aligned with the corporations, which exercise a near complete control over essential outlets, facilities, and institutions to see their will accomplished and all opposition impeded or silenced.

Although the government and its agencies will use threats, intimidation, violence, bribery, and blackmail to keep its citizens in line, there are often those who are willing to undergo whatever retaliation the government can muster in order to expose the truth. They make this selfless sacrifice for the greater good of humanity.

The public, however, largely remains in denial of the many and deliberate evils committed by the American government since its inception, choosing instead to either turn their heads and cover their eyes to such evils, or worse, to participate to the best of their ability in the pseudo-religion of American exceptionalism, believing it be to a perfect expression of a saving and beneficent democracy, no matter how false this scenario is in reality. Some apologists even try to explain away the horrifying and unremitting evils as sheer incompetence and disorganization, failing to account for the fact that every single action on the part of the government and its institutions is done by careful and meticulous planning and research, as found in the many bills, documents, reports, studies, meetings, and hearings, the majority of which are of public record. Even so, the public wishes to remain blinded by their foolish patriotism which equates the government with the nation, and the country with collectivism. Others are simply hoodwinked by the myths and haughty ideals invented to further US imperial interests.

Nevertheless, in their constant bid for total domination of the globe, the clandestine operations of America and the Western powers all follow the same underlying theme—that of globalism, which is capitalist-imperialist by nature. It is the doctrine of American Supremacism—wrongly referred to as “exceptionalism”—that it is not only the right, but the duty of American oligarchs to own and control all financial, economic, and natural resources of the world, and it is the responsibility of the American state to provide for the securing of these interests. Therefore, all national governments which aim to introduce real democratic and economic reforms to protect their own citizens and natural resources from predatory American corporatism are perceived as threats to American interests and its “national security.”

It has been customary for Western powers to react to such threats among their satellites by identifying the opposition, whether from the military, rival parties, revolutionaries, radical nationalists, or Islamists, and offering to put them into power in exchange for accommodating American interests. Once backed, funded, armed, and trained, these groups then mobilize to overthrow the existing democratic government by instigating a dirty campaign of propaganda, disinformation, election fraud, violence, intimidation, blackmail, defamation, and the infiltration of political parties. If need be, and if conditions permit, they show no hesitation towards the more violent tactics of assassination, sabotage, false flag attacks, terrorism, and civil war. These efforts often culminate in a military coup whereupon such time the junta is trained and backed by the US military in oppressive tactics to crack down on dissenters, reformers, civil rights advocates, and the opponents of capitalist imperialism, who are almost always labeled as “communists” or radicals of some sort.

For decades, from 1946 to 1984, a similar doctrine was being taught at the School of the Americas (SOA) in Panama until finally the truth was exposed. The same teachings, nevertheless, reappeared in 2001 at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) at Fort Benning, Georgia, and were passed off to various NGOs under the direction of the State Department.

But in their drive to conquer and lead the world, it has largely been overlooked what this cruel ambition has wrought.

It has been estimated that 6 million people have died as a result of CIA covert operations from 1947 to 1987 and another 6 million have died in the 30 years that followed. But this number pales in comparison to the countless deaths and unspeakable destruction caused by the many wars and military actions conducted on behalf of American political and business interests and of the subordinate Western powers, which by some estimates, run well in excess of a hundred million lives.

Today, as American power has gone virtually unchecked, it has allowed for a unipolar order that is centralized in Washington and New York to exercise a near total control over its vassal states. As the self-proclaimed “leader of the free world,” the American establishment has become so adept at framing all of its actions in defense of democracy, even presuming itself most qualified to decide who is fit to lead other nations and who is not, toppling leaders as they may and propping up dictators in their place. Rogue nations who fail to meet the empire’s demands are immediately ganged up on and attacked with the full force of the empire and its coalition, which is backed by a virtually unlimited budget.

Be that as it may, the success of these tactics is fleeting at best, and requires an exponentially increasing level of violence and political force to maintain. As a result, American interventionism tends to create a lot of “blowback,” whereby the intended actions actually exasperate the problems they claim to solve. In other instances, we see the “boomerang effect,” according to which the brutal tyrants, now skilled in oppression, in turn, become defiant of their American overlords, who often betray and work against their acolytes, at which point America cannot accept insubordination and therefore must now unseat the dictatorship which they had previously installed with an armed insurgency or military intervention.

We have used the term American supremacy, but the world is really governed by a global neo-aristocracy, comprised of the rich and powerful, and directed through a network of elite, globalist organizations, chief among them being the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations, which implement their agenda through several smaller organizations and institutions, as well as through such international bodies as the UN, NATO, EU, IMF, WTO, World Bank, and so on and so forth. The corruption permeates through the entire network which thrives on the weak democratic system, such that one would be remiss to enable a reform of one or more of its branches leaving the tree and root intact.

Following World War II, it has been the explicit and implicit policy of the US that communism and all who proclaim its principles are the main enemies of the capitalist empire. Albeit, the US defines communism as any manifestation of nationalism, socialism, economic independence, or progressive democratic reforms whatsoever. For since the US cannot openly oppose democracy, freedom, self-sufficiency, prosperity, and national preservation any more than they could rail against protections from American neo-imperialism, the path of the deranged US administrations must therefore be to label all such threats to their global hegemony as under the specter of communism, which has already been the topic of such wild speculations as to formulate an “International Communist Conspiracy Theory,” serving thereby the needs of the military and counterintelligence operations to expand and solidify American presence in the world. To complete the inversion of things, the American and Western leaders speak openly about their capitalist imperialism as though it were “democracy” and their wars of aggression as “liberation.”

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the economic reforms in China, the US found itself hard-pressed to justify their continued militaristic aggression and dominance over the globe. American think-tanks were fast at work seeking a suitable replacement for the specter of communism, and this they found only marginally in the real or imagined threats of nationalism, Islamic terrorism, rogue states, weapons of mass destruction, and later, Russian and Chinese “aggression.”

Although the empire continues to expand, its influence has waned, as Russia and China have become global powers once again. Such a predicament has spurned a dangerous and irrational reaction by the US, which has now become increasingly reckless and aggressive with its unremitting provocations, in what could quite possibly lead to another world war.

The American government has already made it clear that they do not intend to go down without bringing the entire world down around them, even if that means a nuclear holocaust. But this is a threat which cannot go unanswered, for the holocaust that we face is occurring now. It is the slow but sure destruction of the world, perpetrated daily by the American-Atlantico-Zionist Empire, which presents a threat to all, but whose evils should be tolerated by none.

If the world is to see any change in the direction of peace and goodness, then all of the nations of the world must come together and reject evil wherever it may arise. All actions must be towards true virtue and not blind favoritism. In the coming years, America must choose its role as a crumbling empire sowing the seeds of destruction, or a nation which licks its wounds and tends to its flock.

For in the end, there really is no choice. The US should, in every way, turn inwards unto itself, until it learns to operate within the laws of civility and international norms, rather than as the exception to the rule. Its rash threats and attacks have radicalized the world to dangerous levels. It is behaving like a spoiled child.

We have all lived a life of war, while blinding our eyes to the hate that is all around us. When will mankind ever know peace? Or is that at all possible?

Are American officials, living or dead, who are suspected of committing heinous war crimes and other transgressions, so beyond the reach of justice and the courts that their actions cannot be called into account? Surely, the law must be applied evenly if it is to have any meaning.

We would hope that one day justice would prevail. But now we could only look on in indignation in obedient observance of the signs of the times.

In the meantime, let this be a study of the mind of such “democratic rulers” of the modern day for history to be the judge, for it is the people who must live under this rule, and it is they who have to suffer the consequences.

This book is not meant to sway the public to one side of the political spectrum or the other. On the contrary, virtue resides above, and stands opposed to, any political faction which can only be a fracturing of the truth. Rather it is the hope of the author that the differentiated man of today may take hold of the whole truth, whether it is inconvenient for him or not.

Upon examination of the overall direction and mode of behavior observed over such a long period of time, I am sure that Reason may find itself to be a proper Judge of Mankind. Untainted by sentimental and lower passions which cloud the truth, I am sure that the conscientious man will find himself staring at the real symbol of hate—the Devil himself, embodied in his henchmen here on earth. For there is no greater sham than this current world order and the fake and feckless international bodies of law and justice which encourage it and give it legitimacy.

In the words of one famous American actor, “Mr. President, tear down this wall.” Let my people be free in deed, as in word, in actuality, not mere idea. Let us drop all the lies and deceit and work together on the real problems which afflict our species. We cannot do this until we are honest with ourselves. In the shadow of the immanent battle for the world’s remaining resources amidst an impending climatic catastrophe, we must ask ourselves, Where has our modernism led us? And where is it leading us to?

(Preface to Against American Supremacism)

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