Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pax Aryana

It was a gorgeous spring evening when the massive crowd gathered at the royal grounds for the first ever annual celebration of the new kingdom. Leading the opening procession, the imperial knights marched in unison and filled the front rows of the theater. Their torches blazed in the air as if to remind one of the Day of Fire and Stone. The look in their eyes was enchanted, yet ever so high with pride. Like a phoenix reborn, the dignified heroes of the Order lined the stage. Above them hung large tapestries. And on the stone walls sacred murals could be seen, which tell of the gods and their glorious victories.

Adorned in full regalia, the Magister et Rex Mundi, Sovereign Will of the Universe, Lord of the Three Worlds, Grand Master of the Order of the Blazing Star, and Supreme Commander of the Aryan Legion, Rowan McCailin addressed the roaring crowd:

Comrades, brothers, kindred of the Aryan Kingdom, we welcome you.

We have gathered here in the hour of victory to mark our glorious triumphs over the evil empire, whose sick and degenerate civilization is now just a bitter memory. Their foolish and destructive ways have passed, as all things shall which are not included in the body of the Divine. Though it is we who create, it is also incumbent upon us to destroy, so as to preserve or remake, when the hour and need arises. Let us honor the brave souls who have thus risen up against such tyranny and helped to reclaim what is rightfully ours. We stand here today in remembrance of the countless victims whose lives were cut down short or destroyed by the imperialist aggressions of the Western powers.

We remember the time when all direction and balance had gone out from a world fallen from its axis. For we had long been a witness to the sickness and disease that was consuming our people. We remember how hostile foreign rulers had bound the best to the worst, and enslaved the greatest to worship the lowest. Theirs was a world flipped on its head, of which they had taken for granted, as if God had created the earth, the sun, and the moon, just so a select group of outlaws could snatch it away from him and cast it into the bowels of hell. Born in utter blasphemy and the inversion of all things true and real, these vermin presumed to know better than God on how best to establish his own kingdom.

They were wrong to have brought my wrath upon them. But the full extent of the cosmic consequences of their actions may never be resolved. These are matters far above and beyond human comprehension, and out of the jurisdiction of man. Violation of God’s Divine and Cosmic Laws is grounds for immediate termination. Man shalt not suffer any longer the existence of fools and evildoers!

For now that our long and devastating conflict has come to an end, and a time of great peace is upon us, we must remain ever heedful of the past, as we do of the present, to ensure that our struggle shall not be in vain.

Having toiled thus far in our bitter fight many eons in the making, we have finally arrived at a crossroads, and it is for each one of us to choose to walk in the path of righteousness, or to fall back into a much darker time. For this reason, it is of great importance to always keep in mind the circumstances to which our fight began.

Our struggle, let it be remembered, was not against mere men or regimes, but an eternal struggle, over the value of religion and governance, and against a falsehood which lies at the core of every institution of the modern day. Such a deep-seated falsehood gives rise to an evil which is adverse to the traditional principles of order and justice, knowledge and freedom, and has severed all connection from reality as it is, not how one wishes to perceive it.

Although the root of this evil lies in ignorance and falsehood, its most egregious manifestation has come down to us in the form of religious cults from which much of the world once derived its culture and system of governance. Judaism and Christianity, properly understood, are false religions, for the events to which they bear witness did not occur, and the doctrines of which they preach are as affronts against nature and natural rights.

In placing the inferior to reign over that which is superior, the false negating the true, and commanding conformity and the worship of the inversion of all things as to run counter to the great intellectual traditions, the cults of the Semitic civilizations have overturned the natural order, and have given to the world their own synthetic creation—a Frankenstein or lifeless automaton dancing to the tunes of a wicked master, a Satan in the flesh, of whose disciples are many.

Religion has served the ancient and modern worlds well as a tool of conquest and oppression—even, at times, of absolute control. Once the spiritual and regal authorities had taken possession of all knowledge and assigned which portions of reality they wished to divulge and to whom, the spiritual and regal powers together implemented their false perceptions of the world, or rather, how they wished it to be, and elevated their lies and deceptions to a stature of divinity. By their word, they decided upon matters of morality, law, science, and art, confining the aspects of reality to ever more narrower views and prejudices.

From the time of the pharaohs, who battled against the bigoted, vengeful, and pedantic Semitic cults, which threatened to overthrow civilization by way of false ideas—to the Roman empire, which had fallen under the spell of Christianity while conquering much of the world through brute force, and dictating to the conquered a new universal culture that was in every way alien to traditional man, there has always been a resolute and evil force capable of captivating dull minds and drawing more souls into its snare. Sinister and devouring, it hides itself in the cloak of peace and prosperity, preaching a message of impossible equality and nonresistance to evil, only to reveal its ominous ploy after it is too late to oppose it.

Such was the case in the early spread of Christianity, how, without mercy, the armies of Christ slaughtered the sacerdotal and regal castes which held true to their ancestral ways, then subjugated those who pledged their allegiance to the cross, and severed all ties to ancestral and traditional cultures. Sacred texts and artifacts were relegated to the fire, temples reduced to rubble or converted into churches, men enslaved like dogs, and all pleasure and beauty in this world was treated as a scourge.

So much knowledge and history was destroyed when the Christians brought Europe to the Dark Age. The old gods, now overthrown, were branded as devils by the church, and the old ways forbidden, cast out as devilry in a world of lies and hatred, ignorance and prejudice. Western progress was harshly stunted as human knowledge had withdrawn into the darkest recesses of the earth. Divine Wisdom was mocked by fools in lofty positions of power.

At the time of its eastern expansion, by crusade and conquest, a genocidal Christian empire destabilized the world, radicalized the Muslims in the East, cut off essential trade routes, and isolated Europe, whose people were treated as utter fools by an ignorant and tyrannical clergy and their puppet rulers.

Eventually, through brutal wars and schisms, the Christians of Europe tore away the fetters which bound them, gradually giving way to the Renaissance and a faint glimpse at liberty.

No sooner did the West begin to free itself from the mental and spiritual slavery of Christianity, had a new epidemic been foisted upon them, one in which a guileful people lacking in true virtue saw fit to unleash a monster of epic proportions unto the world. The scientific, industrial, and democratic revolutions, each in their own fury, arose as noxious poisons in the souls of a degenerate people rendered unworthy to wield their powers by centuries of ignorance and repression.

With the West at the lead, man thrust himself headlong on a collision course with extinction. Taking the earth for granted and living well beyond his means, mankind had forsaken all that was good in humanity. In his tireless quest for power and supremacy, man stripped the earth of its resources, proclaimed a bastard science as his god, subjugated his fellow man, and chained him to a cycle of cruelty and mindless work for menial pleasures and the illusion of prosperity and security.

Then, when all had succumbed to the temptations of modernism to worship at the altar of progress, the long-awaited One had finally arrived as thunder from the sky to issue a dire warning to the world. Few took heed, as the crisis continued unabated, and horrendous conflicts erupted which upset the global order as never before.

Inferior ideas were praised and worshiped by all, and the tyrannical nations conspired together to overturn the weaker. Atrocities, real or imagined, gave rise to a new religion of tolerance in a world which knew only sickness and hatred. It was a false tolerance, according to which the thing to be fought against was a general and nonsensical target.

Collectively, whites as a distinct race were held in contempt for the sins of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, poverty, and war. While, under the pretext of democracy and humanitarianism, the brutal imperialist policies of the West continued unabated, consolidating control over the entire global economy, wreaking havoc throughout the world, and giving rise to a migratory crisis which threatened to displace entire populations.

This was to be their death sentence, the worst of which was to be inflicted on distant offspring. The Aryan, as the race chosen by God as his Vessel, was to be slowly exterminated…

Accepting their blackened fate, Western leaders resumed to punish their own citizens for the crimes of the regime. Policies of immigration were designed in such a way as to increasingly overwhelm Western nations with poor, radicalized youth, from nations which were collectively wronged by the West throughout centuries of abuse.

Meanwhile, the authorities had grown fearful of their own people, that they might unseat them from power and redistribute their massive wealth among the underclass. So the establishment aimed at keeping their subjects always distracted by mindless disputes over the conflicts which they, the Satanic State, had created. Through manufactured incidents and the manipulation of public opinion, the nation was plunged into a perpetual state of war in order to achieve greater and more centralized control.

Yet even with these new security powers, the empire was seemingly helpless to stop the reign of terror that spilled out onto the streets of Europe and around the world. Their failures, we were told, proved the need for more and more security, which could only mean more power to bolster a shoddy empire already teetering on the brink of the abyss. Inch by inch, the West was dragged along by the Overlords in their demonic quest for total domination.

By the mere proclaiming of an imaginary liberal doctrine, the leaders were able to convince the public to accept as their own any thought they deemed proper. Their operatives worked tirelessly, manipulating the public mind, blending their messages of submission into the plethora of art, media, entertainment, and custom, so that one was immersed in a reality that was entirely the product of the Overlords’ making. Everywhere was spoken the language of the empire, and the message of hope: ‘Diversity is strength. Unity is peace. Security is freedom.’ But what was meant by those sad and tortuous terms was often a thing unknown. Words spoken in the empire served no purpose, but to deliver the objects of desire to their speaker.

For far too long, the West was content to be at war with itself, fighting senselessly over territory, trade, religion, race, class, and political ideology. Consumed by greed, pride, and ambition, the West sought prosperity at the expense of others only to gain it through the destruction of their own divisive civilization, long reduced to a repository of lies and false doctrines, promulgated by the corrupt political, scientific, and corporate institutions.

If anything in this world has been discredited so thoroughly, it is human culture, human behavior, and human civilization, under the direction of godless fools, modernists, and delusional freaks of nature who trace their lineage from the ape of God. It is a thing obscene. Religions which have their basis in the torture and death of the human manifestation of the Creator of this world, and the hiding away of all knowledge of the underlying causes of reality, are a disgrace and a betrayal to mankind, and can only engender sickness, hatred, and disorder.

This selfish desire for power amongst those of the unworthy is the cause of all conflict in the world. It has led to a war in which there is no end.

The saga of the ninth crusade is but a continuation of such reckless feats in which the Semites have ventured to make the earth their prison, a slaughterhouse for the weak and the wicked. Every where they saw greatness of manpower and wealth, they saw a target of opportunity. Most of all, they desired oil, gold, diamonds, and mineral wealth, and to acquire it, they engineered wars, conflicts, and genocides. Lie upon lie, death upon death, the empire made a killing off of the chaos which only they could produce.

The empire’s most recent wars in the Middle East, Africa, and eastern Europe were inching ever closer to a confrontation with the major powers in the East, such that the West was marching towards another world war, for its leaders could not accept the failure of their crumbling empire. Eurasia was destined to overtake the West, and the Overlords were determined to prevent the formation of the Eurasian Union, along with the construction of the New Silk Road and the ascendancy of Russia and China as world leaders. Had our revolution not occurred, all that was good in this world would have been wiped out by the stubborn Western powers driven to madness by their foreign masters.

By their misdeeds we have known them, and by their misrule we have judged them. In our discourses through intermediaries with representatives of the empire, it became readily apparent that our enemies were as irrational as they were threats to our very existence. We realized then of the necessity to intervene and to mitigate the damage that had already been done. We were obliged to take up our struggle for liberation in the hope of forestalling the utter demise of mankind.

Thus, strife being the father of creation, a new Order arose, one which compelled man to hate his miserable condition and break free of his yoke. Against all odds, we rose in defiance of the empire. With eternal vigilance, our mighty Legion drove the enemy from the centers of power and chased them to the farthest corners of the earth. With final victory at hand, we crushed their resolve and broke the backs of the resistance. We smashed their civilization to the ground. We have toppled their false idols, eradicated their foolish and inane cultures, and abolished their unjust laws.

The empire, which once cursed us and cast us out of their sick society, is now just a horrible nightmare. The ruling, priestly, academic, and managerial classes have been wiped out, root and branch. All those who have denied the True God and rebelled against his Reality have been eliminated. Their miserable bodies have been cast into the fire, and all that remains of them is a fine powdery ash.

Western civilization, and everything it stood for, has now been consigned to the flames of the past to rest on the ash heap of history. As all the wicked have died, so too their false ideas. And from out of their absence arises the new man, to give birth to a new world and a new idea which conforms to the ultimate reality.

Time now has circled in upon itself to usher in a new Golden Age, unmarred by omens of an evil fate. And though untainted as this new man shall be, he shall not withdraw into himself with pride and false confidence. But he will be risen up upon the death of the profane and the shedding of his inferior self. By the spiritual rebirth in the Kingdom of Arya, he will be made pure again. We proclaim a new era of Aryan Peace.”

(Excerpt from Civitas Diaboli: The Devil’s City.)

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